children's books, paper dolls, dress up games, children's toys, stuffed toys, paper crafts, arts and crafts

Historical Style

"In matters of style, swim with the current: In matters of principle, stand like a rock."
Thomas Jefferson, Third U.S. President
April 13, 1743 - July 4, 1826

This Fourth of July, I'm celebrating history and identity the best way I know - with a collection of historical paper dolls! I totally love paper dolls (obviously!)! We all know they're an easy way to jumpstart you passion for fashion! After all, what's a haute couture designer sketch but a really skinny paper doll (LOL!)! But paper dolls can help teach kids about culture, society and even history! After all, playing dress up gets kids interested and if you throw in a few cultural and historical notes, studying becomes a lot more fun! And many paper doll artists really do a lot of research to make their paper dolls accurate - it's like a museum on paper! What a doll!

So here's to history and celebration! And here's to the little paper doll that could!

Native American Saddlery and Trappings: A History in Paper DollsAmerican Family of the Colonial Era Paper Dolls
Thomas Jefferson and His Family Paper Dolls in Full ColorThe Obama Family Paper Dolls

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