children's books, paper dolls, dress up games, children's toys, stuffed toys, paper crafts, arts and crafts


Serendipity MarketI love this word!  (Do you know what it means?  I'm not blogging! Check it out at Merriam-Webster if you don't ;->)  So when I saw Penny Blubaugh's Serendipity Market on the shelf, I just had to grab it!  And guess what? Serendipity!!! It's a book of re-imagined fairy tales!  And you know that I just love that!  Mama Inez and Toby (her Woofy!) feel that things are not right with the world and that the only way to bring balance back is thru the magic of story-telling.  So she gathers the story tellers she's found and brings them to her market of tales - the Serendipity Market!

Blubaugh uses familiar fairy tale themes in her first book and adds a whole new spin to them.  So the princess and the pea and red riding hood aren't quite what you remember them to be!  There's a little sadness and darkness in some of the stories but a lot of light and love too!  And I guess that's what balance is all about!  My fave is Lost.  Read the Serendipity Market and tell me - which one is yours?

1 comment:

  1. thats a big word!!!! I like the word precious!
    I want to be a writer someday. I like collecting words :()
