children's books, paper dolls, dress up games, children's toys, stuffed toys, paper crafts, arts and crafts

Plant More Rice!

It's better than ever!  I hope you've been testing your mental skills on one of my Tudy raves, FreeRice. It's the "click and give" website where you play educational games and raise money to fight world hunger. Founded by John Breen in 2007,  FreeRice now covers more subjects and is more interactive! Try the 2.0 version where you can tweet your results!  It's all about social networking and social giving!

And it's still all for free, Tudygirls. How smart is that?


  1. I'm a rice buddy and so are you

  2. hi, my nane is Marsha. I like your site. where do you live? i'm from California

  3. Hi,Marsha! I live in the worldwide web! But Illinois is "home"!
