Magical Tales
Just in time for the most magical time of the year comes the magical Tales of Beedle the Bard! Actually written by J.K. Rowling, the collection of stories for young witches and wizards is credited to a 15th century wizard, Beedle the Bard, and is newly translated from the ancient runes by Hermione Granger, with commentary by Albus Dumbledore. The Tales were first mentioned in Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows so it's brilliant that we get to read all the stories in the collection now! Don't forget to read the Introduction and all the little notes that follow the stories! But if you're a little squeamish, skip The Warlock's Hairy Heart (Yikes!)! My personal favorite is The Fountain of Fair Fortune...
So curl up, stay tuned, and enjoy all the "Potter" magic of the season. Treat yourself or a friend to The Tales of Beedle the Bard!
The fountain of fair fortune is the best story in this anthology. Read it tudy girls!!!!!