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And History Will Huzzah You...

"Let us tenderly and kindly cherish, therefore, the means of knowledge. Let us dare to read, think, speak, and write."
John Adams, Second U.S. President
October 30, 1735 - July 4, 1826

"In matters of style, swim with the current: In matters of principle, stand like a rock."
Thomas Jefferson, Third U.S. President
April 13, 1743 - July 4, 1826

Jump start your 4th of July celebration with this believe-it-or-not Tudy Truism: Did you know John Adams, the second U.S. President, and Thomas Jefferson, the third U.S. President and author of the Declaration Of Independence, both passed away within hours of each other on July 4, 1826?

Legend has it both men were so determined to see the fledgling United States succeed, they willed themselves to live till the 4th of July, 1826 - 50 years (OMG!!!) after the adoption of the Declaration of Independence!

Was it sheer coincidence? As if!
Was it die-hard tenacity? So totally!
Was it forever revolutionary? Oh, absolutely!
Happy Birthday, America!
Remember the will that forged your spirit! Enjoy (and cherish!) your birthright!


  1. AnonymousJuly 06, 2008

    We have the best fireworks and parade! i used to be scared of fireworks but i really like 'em a lot now. do u like fireworks?...terraine

  2. I love fireworks! As long as I'm not too near them!
