children's books, paper dolls, dress up games, children's toys, stuffed toys, paper crafts, arts and crafts

Bike To School

Huffy Disney Princess Girls Bike, Pink, 16-InchYou know you love it! It was your first taste of freedom. And it nourished in you an immediate sense of your surroundings and the great outdoors! So what are you waiting for, Tudygirls? Grab those handlebars and pedal away! Bike to School~ you'll get your morning workout done and feel more alert the rest of the day :-)

Here are a few Tudy Tips to help you feel safe and cycle-sure:

1. Have Dad, Mom, or a grown-up map out the safest route to school.
2. Always wear a helmet. Always!
3. There's safety in numbers so bike with friends. (It's just more Tudylightful that way!)
4. Stay on bike routes. Steer clear of roads.
5. Follow the flow of traffic. Never bike against it. Remember, the rules of the road apply to bikers as well.
6. Always lock your bike. Always!7. Stay hydrated and connected. Two Tudy must-haves when biking: a bottle of water and a cell phone. (You never know when you'll need the lift!)

So cycle away! You'll breeze through traffic and that endless congestion. You'll help ease the morning commute and pollution. But most of all, you'll get to school on time, all the time. And your mind and body and heart will love you for it!

A Toast to Summer!

Summer's on the home stretch and whether you're wistful it will all be over soon (Yikes! School!) or you're wishing for the heat to end, toast to the last halcyon days of Summer with Tudy's refreshing island drink! Just ask the grown-ups for help!

1 cup fresh or frozen mangoes (cubed)
1 peeled banana
½ cup orange juice
1 cup mango sorbet
1 cup cold, unsweetened rice milk
1 cup cold, unsweetened soy milk

Carefully put all ingredients in a blender. Blend slow and low at first, then high till smooth. Pour into 6 or 8 oz. glasses. Garnish with fresh pineapples, oranges, or limes. (Grass skirts, flip flops, and island music are optional!)

Here's to Summer!

From 2-D to 3-D and beyond!

Have you watched a 3-D movie yet?  Were you thrilled and surprised and did you reach out your hand to grab something?  Or did your head hurt!!!  Whatever your reaction, isn't it amazing how our favorite stories start on paper, jump to the silver screen and now, jump at you from the screen!?!  It's called stereoscopy and it's all about creating the illusion of depth!  The science behind it is fascinating, specially when you realize that it's all about the red and blue!  So here's a cool link to get you started on making your own paper 3-D glasses, from your forever 2-D girl, Tudy (that's me!)